Our logo was made in FRIGGIN MS PAINT, you like?
We're a band from Melbourne/Beijing/Paraguay/Constantinople/France, composed of three guys, 2 of whom are in the same country, and one of whom has no idea how to make music. We have an obsession with music, bad movies, hot chicks, hot women, hot food, and things that smell like paint. We have also found this place that allows us to set up websites for free, so we're doing this before we've finished recording our music, will be done some time in July-August, but this is way more fun.
Okay you probably should know this, but our band is composed of::::::
Doctor David Dinkley
The good doctor, semi-sane and never lucid, constant fig obessession and spends most of his time in a small box attempting to fight aliens. We put up with him because he's a FRIGGIN MUSIC GENIUS, on a few rare occasions he comes out to rave, play piano and eat raw meat. His grumblings frequently produce musical melodies and sonnatas impossibly produced without instruments leading to some validity in his claims about his magic hand.
Favourite bands include: Weezer, Fountains of Wayne, The B-52's
Plays: Guitar, Bass, Piano, Keyboard, Tetris, and Organ
Other: Has perfect pitch, and despite popular belief is also tone deaf
ooo (A.K.A Country Wide Home Loans)
Suave savvy rich, this drummer/pimp has modeled himself on Paris Hilton and Posh Spice, not necessarily in that order. Stalked a poster of Steve Gadd that hung on his bedroom wall before he was possessed by an egyptian god of a card game. He learnt drums while fighting off galactic evil using a semi-cooked sausage. Has an intense display of mastery of the game Pong.
Favourite Bands: ABBA, The Carpenters, Ragy, Rammstein, REM, and the Beach Boys
Plays: With himself, Guitar, Drums, Bass, Keyboard, Really BIG drums, Friggin machine gun heavy artillery BANG BONG type drums, and flute
Other: Ambidextrous despite lacking a third arm
Mister Piglet
No one knows his real name, he was found some time in 1979, lost, resurfaced in 1998, went back in time, got lost again, resurfaced in 2101 A.D, saw it was to his liking and decided to start a band with the same name. Using a time machine built out of a blue object he sent himself back to a time where the worlds greatest musicans were destined to make really big records, decided he wanted some of the action, and conned two geniusii into participating in what is clearly a suicide scheme.
Favourite Bands: Angels and Airwaves, Chuck Berry, Green Day, Blink 182, Simon and Garfunkel, Oasis
Plays: Nothing
Wants to Play: Baseball, Theremin, Rock Anthems, Keyboard, Bass, Guitar, Drums, Cat
Other: Once swallowed an orange whole against good advice
And our manager the good Matt Wilson:
Matt Wilson (A.K.A That guy)
A heavily abused manager and promoter who is managing the band against his will, constantly functions as all around slave and political facilitator for the group. Tries to escape daily and is usually punished by listening to Mister Piglet singing. Despite this he still believes the band will "make it big," and will sign to a bigger label, thereby ridding him of having to manage them. What he doesn't know is that a secret clause in his contract allows 2101 A.D to effectively to quote Doctor Dinkley "Own him until, and for a long period after, death."
Favorite Bands: Has lost all faith in music since managing 2101 A.D
Plays: Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun, however thanks to a "voodoo" spell by the Piglet, Matt Wilson is now bullet proof...against his will
Other: No longer has a life