We have now added a resources page with an encyclopedia on everything ranging from dating advice to mathematical equations. Compiled by leading experts in all fields we can gaurantee accurate and appropriate results. Philosophy, history science, but only available to members. To become a member please contact us at 2101rox@gmail.com. Replies are NOT automated, and could take 3-5 business days to respond. Membership is FREE, but only to dedicated fans, and until August 11th 2009 is on an invite only basis. Instrument lessons posted by professional musicians also available, as well as free videos and life lessons from some of the worlds leading life coaches. Updated daily. Videos, articles, and our own unique search engine also available so become a member of the 2101 revolution.
Welcome to the site for the up and coming very lazy band 2101 A.D, music will be put up as soon as we feel like it
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