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Posted by Matt Wilson on Sunday, April 26, 2009
Under: Matt Wilson
What has happened? Okay, so Piglet wrote what he describes as the best chorus he has ever written for a song, attached to the angriest verse he's ever written. They're stringing up the music and we're about 5 songs in. For some reason he thinks people will listen to his crap, and for some insane reason choose to buy it. I'm not sure why. He tried to rent a bouncy castle this afternoon, it arrived in his L.A house, as well as several prostitutes. Conveniently forgetting he lives in Melbourne, has never been to L.A, and is currently seventeen, he attempted to swim out to sea in a manner befitting Harold Holt, and attempted to sign for his packages. The people at WTF Records were not impressed. I don't believe this band will ever get signed, forcing me to be their slave. They took away my bathroom privilges before locking me in my bedroom. I don't think this is much of a problem as my bedroom is both ensuite, and located with several escape routes. Am attempting to dig my way to freedom, which is not difficult because for some reason Country Wide Home Loans decided to replace the concrete foundations with jelly. While this is terrific for earthquakes, it does attract a manner of insects, as well as Academy Award Winner Dustin Hoffman lookalike.
In : Matt Wilson