Showing category "the Band" (Show all posts)

A new member

Posted by the Band on Monday, March 2, 2009, In : the Band 
Okay we're all back together, Matt got a little scared but everything's good now.  Turns out the thing we found is some sort of creature that sits around a lot and groans.  We don't think it's harmful, but we've tasered it into a corner.  We have named it...Bidwell.  We think it's a writer of some sort, so naturally Piglet (lyricist and baseball bat player), is furious.  He has begun the process of attempting to eat his own spleen, and we're trying to calm him down.  We think we're successful...
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Something wicked this way comes

Posted by the Band on Monday, March 2, 2009, In : the Band 
Okay, don't be alarm'd, but we came across something while traversing the realms of middle earth, and it followed us home.  In the mean time we're trapped in a tower without power on an escape route, and it's hunting us.  More to follow, if we're lucky....

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We tried to post naked photos but some people got scared

Posted by The Band on Sunday, March 1, 2009, In : the Band 
Hey this is the first blog of what will hopefully be the best band ever, but more likely we won't actually record anything, and we'll end up getting very very confused.  So we're three people at the moment, all of whom have rudimentary knowledge of bass guitar, and various levels of expertise in everything else.  It's really a kiddie type ambition, but we're into it, and we have some stuff down, so who knows????

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